The Mexican fireleg resembles its better-known relative, the Mexican redknee tarantula in its dramatic orange and black coloration, though the adults of the species range from 5 to 6 inches in size. This species of tarantula has a slower growth rate than many of the larger South American tarantula species. The black upper legs provide a dark dividing band between the rich orange colour of the carapace and lower legs. The legs of this species are a bright, fiery red on the knees, fading gradually to a paler orange further down and tipped by black feet. Although not particularly defensive, this species of spider can have a nervous temperament, where the spider can flick hairs when it feels threatened.
The Mexican fireleg tarantula is native to Southern Mexico where it prefers dry scrubland, and is found in burrows, either self-made or abandoned rodent or lizard burrows, usually under rocks or fallen logs.
The Mexican fireleg tarantula's diet consists of crickets and other large insects such as lobster roaches but have also been known to eat small geckos. They do not build webs to catch their prey, but rather hunt down their victims.
Sub-adults and adults molt (shed its exoskeleton) at the end of the dry season (November to June), after which males begin their search for mating females. Mated females will produce an egg sac which, if successful, will generally hatch three to four weeks before the rainy season begins.