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Announcement: Free-Range Kangaroos Temporarily Unavailable

Our free-range kangaroos will return to the main park area Thursday the 27th of February. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming them back soon!

Dinosaurs are Back Walking the Earth! Jurassic Zoo is back!

Dinosaurs are Back Walking the Earth! Jurassic Zoo is back!

Date Published: September 12, 2021

The gates are open! These school holidays The Australian Reptile Park has brought back its popularJurassic Zooschool holiday promotion and this time it is BIGGER and BETTER than ever before! ATyrannosaurs Rex, Indoraptorand aPachycephalosaurusare on the loose throughout the park! The three species will take daily walks in which kids and adults are able to interact with prehistoric beasts and take photos aplenty. Visitors will enter the park through the infamous Jurassic Park gates with a twist and will immerse themselves into a land before time.

Jurassic Zoothis year is the biggest holiday promotion the Australian Reptile Park has put on yet!  With Dinosaurs roaming the park, the famous “Dino Dance Party” – a treat for the little ones – there will be opportunities for young and old to get up close and personal with the dinosaurs (at their own risk!) The Dino Dig returns to the park to give visitors and young paleontologists the chance to unearth ancient fossils and Zookeepers will be roving the park with all sorts of reptiles to meet up close!

Additional entertainment during theJurassic Zooevent series, will be daily show featuring the park’s resident crocodilians - the closest living relative and ancient cousins of the dinosaurs. Australian Reptile Park icon Elvis, a 5 metre Saltwater Crocodile renowned to be the crankiest croc in Australia, will befed dailyduring a thrill seeking show demonstrating the strength of his snapping jaws, capable of crushing the skull of prey as large as a water buffalo.

Deadly and dangerousJurassic Zoo!events extend into the park’s lagoon, home to 50 American Alligators.  Their daily feeding show consists of park keepers entering the danger zone of the lagoon, and dangling their food over a walking plank, whilst tempting the giant reptiles to launch high out of the water allowing visitors to marvel at their erratic jaw snapping for food. The Australian Reptile Park is bringing back the popular Alligator Feeding encounters that was launched in December 2020 where visitors have the once in a lifetime opportunity (if they dare!) to feed the giant Alligators themselves.

Roving keepers at Australian Reptile Park will also be wandering around with a variety of scaly reptiles and cuddly mammals for guests to meet and greet. To really get up close and personal with The Australian Reptile Park residents, guests can book either aBehind-The-Scenes touror one of the popular and interactiveKids 2 Keepers programs.